Rabu, 17 Januari 2018


The twelfth English meeting. I leave with pleasure because my group will be a presentation, when the lecturer arrives and greets the students. Good morning class, how are you today? We replied, good morning Miss, we are fine. Lecturers start today’s lesson. He asked us which group to go for presentation? We answered six groups. The group of six advanced and began to introduce themselves one by one. Members of six groups, Arief Wahyuaji, Nanda Pangestu Alfiandi, Roid Helmi, Muhammad Aryandhoni and Pangestu Mukti Wibowo. And I myself then became a moderator (Pangestu Mukti Wibowo). After completing themselves, they immediately discussed the topic of discussion that is about “Electromagnet”.

First discuss the article. Both discuss 5W + 1H questions. The third discusses both verbal and nominal sentences. The fourth discusses tenses, patern and reason. The fifth discusses active and passive sentences. And the last one discusses the translation of the article being discussed. When finished presenting, group six asked the audience, is there anyone who wants to ask? No one asked. After completion of the question and answer session, the lecturer corrects the presentation results from the first article discusses until the last one discusses the translation. Something went wrong and the lecturer asked the group of six to fix the wrong location before going to the blog. After completing the group of six cover presentations today. After that the lecturer also closed the lesson today. Thank you for your attention.

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The last meeting, this time as usual I arrived at the campus but I had been left by my friend who used to walk together, finally I walked ...